Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Check, Check, Check it out!

Mizz Riane has two new articles up on Politics Daily.
CopyPaste into yo addressbar, please

 On another note, it has been decided that what I appreciate most about India...
is that while, yes, India's government, and a few other things, happen to be corrupt... not all of India is corrupt.

There are no big Walmart empires (minus Tata) but individually owned businesses, shops, and family success secrets. There is no big "green" movement because pesticides are not used, everything is fresh, and there are big green fields full of hard working individuals and natural food.  They utilize solar power.... it is about all they have. They send glass bottles back to factories to be reused. They take what they have and they use it to the best of their abilities. People from all over the place, doing everything and anything, from all sorts of economic, social, religious backgrounds are living not always in complete harmony, but there isn't the petty fighting that is happening in the US and other places.

All in all, India does not have to be first or best. India does what is right and good for India, and everyone minds their own business, unless you are a foreigner and then your life story must be known.
That is not to say or to misunderstand Indian plights and issues, but there are a lot of good things happening in India that are just natural. I hope it stays this way, in this sense.

One common perception of Americans is that Americans live to work, not work to live.
And yea, Americans get so obsessed, so caught up in little things, and they make things matter that maybe... maybe they just don't need to be worried about all of the time.

In India, people work to live... and it keeps everyday people much more... honest. and humble. and likable. and healthy.
overall health and well being.

Must be all of that yoga.

Also, check out the AIFS Hyd blog: