Saturday, April 24, 2010

this past week

has been hell.
For a whole semester of nothing-ness academically and easy fun traveling, trying to get my next few months out has given me a run for my money. Literally. I'm out quite a few bucks.

But here is what I am doing when I leave the university on the 5th:

Delhi-Varnaasi-Ladakh for 2 weeks
flying to Paris to meet mom for 2 weeks
flying to Bangkok for my summer research project for the month of June
(with a little side visit to Singapore to see Riane, who is positively taking her internship in Singapore!!!)
flying home on July 1st, at midnight

Oh, and I just finished my last exam today

In the morning (4 am, actually) I am off to the Calcutta, Darjeeling, and Sikkim to see Mother Theresa's charity place, tea plantations, and the 3rd largest mountain in the world.

Our time here is coming to an end.
But it isn't over yet and we are still taking full advantage of our time here!