"You probably don't know who you just met - That was Marvin Veronee. He is one of the few remaining Iwo Jima veterans. He was a Ltn. in the Navy, ya know?"
The lack of updates is not due to being run over by a horse drawn tourist carriage, or being stuck in the Charleston plough-mud - I don't have the internetsss and I've been supah busy.
We moved into our new apartment on Tuesday - great place with high ceilings, 2 porches, a studio-like living area and several of my favorite people, but we will all know when someone indulges in a midnight romp.
It is very not-soundproof. I am, however, still using my India-mind (I'm thrilled to say) and issues of privacy are no longer issues of privacy. I can easily push through just about anything without being affected at all, and what happens, happens.
Today I started my internship at the museum - which is a marvelous place full of interesting people, weird hair, and history displays - 3 things that I hold near and dear to my heart. Despite my love of this people who have put me in front of a tub of artifacts hooked up to wires performing electrolysis and snapping photos and helping out with museum sleepovers, the museum is a very very cold place. My internal temperature system remains dysfunctional.
I have beautiful friends performing in beautiful artistic endeavors, while I tromp around Charleston being a Spoleto-ean. I couldn't be happier right now, except that I wish I had been around for auditions and could up on stage, too. Also that I could find my bike key so I could get to places quicker than my calloused feet will take me, but oh well.
I am constantly amazed at the unbound talent that my friends possess, and that of the people I watch.
I'm sad that my brother is gone - because now everyone is off doing all those things that I wish I were still doing.
Alaska - Adam has it covered.
farming in Nepal - Jessica and Emily are digging deep
traveling around the Middle East - Nicole is flaunting it
Living in Asia - ok, Jenny.
Tickets to Malta - $1,304