Thursday, April 28, 2011


wouldn't it be great to be a camera on the bottom of the sea?
maybe a camera, an old camera, real retro, except not the 70s type
to represent age
because the sea is old
wouldn't it be great to be a camera on the bottom of the sea?
maybe a new one, that was riding on a yacht and was carefully placed in a baggie after it took bites out of time, freezing moments
carefully placed and sealed in a baggie so it doesn't get wet.
cameras are the things that matter these days
but that camera is air-sealed in that baggie on the bottom of the sea and wouldn't it be great if that camera was somehow even set with a timer and was just shooting picture after picture of the great sea
of what has shaped the earth
the old and the new combined
and then one day, years later when the sea has dried up and a man who was stranded on an island is trudging to his salvation across the great vast area that was once the bottom of the sea
maybe he was tumbling because i would assume there are many inclines and such
so is the bottom of the sea full of mountains?
wouldn't it be great if he found that camera in its baggie, dry as could be, and took it with him and had the camera opened and out came all of those pictures from years ago
releasing those time fragments and spitting out those images, the people stumbling from the camera, taking off their sun visors gingerly, pulling modestly at their swimsuits, feeling out the ground and the sea pictures melted - yes, melted - and turned from figurative sea pictures to the literal sea and snapshot after snapshot flowed out of the camera and the sea went right back into its hilly cavity and filled the earth all back up with water.
and time 
time was refilled