Sunday, July 11, 2010


Something I am missing desperately:
My little baby. It is things like actually being responsible for keeping another living being alive and loved and happy that makes me wonder how I plan on being a world traveler, when all I want to do is sleep with him wrapped around my head and not have to entrust his happiness and well being to others. I want him with me.
I am a very stingy mother.

Anywho, a little on the people I live with:

A lot of the people I am surrounded by are from Belgium - which means they can speak at least 4 different languages and they do, when they don't want you to understand.
Or they send you email attaches with words like "onderzoeksonderwerpen"
which means "research topics"
or "onderzoeksonderwerpenbespreking"
which means "research topic discussion"

I find this amusing on many levels.

Another funny incident that is hysterical to me and maybe not to some of my family members is when my favorite German (Jen, a married woman of 29) walks up to me and points to a man in a an American flag speedo and says
(sorry family)
"See that man? I saw his ****."
I am taken by surprise by this because the last woman I had spoken to was the town cat lady, who was feeding about 15 feral cats and so of course, I asked her why that happened.
"He decided to change his pants in front of me, and kept looking my way. So I walked away, but then he followed me up the stairs and asked me in 4 different languages, all of which I understood but pretended not to, what my name was and where I am from. I think in America you would call him... creepy, no?"

Europeans are hysterically blunt.

They also stay up very very late, drink a lot, and chain smoke.
I can't keep up with their wild ways.
So, while they chat on the roof eating Gozo cheese, drinking boxed wine, and blowing smoke rings in my face, I'm either battling the smoke rings with fidgeting around and blowing them away from me, or sleeping in some awkward broken neck position. For which I am made fun of considerably.
Which I don't think would bother me if it hadn't been such an issue in other situations.
It's a little bothersome to want to go out to the bars to hang out with them, but they just end up waking me up and sending me home because I fell asleep in my chair.
I mean, if we are on the beach and they walk somewhere, they make it a point to walk back by me to make sure I haven't fallen asleep and am being baked alive in the sun on a rock.
In this, they are very considerate, and many seem pretty jealous of my narcoleptic ways. They all say they wish they could do that.
But I wish I could stay up and hang out with them.