Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today, I got an email from the CofC Anth department - a fellowship I applied for earlier... was awarded to me! So, now I have an extra $1,000 to help fund Thailand! Yay!!

I also signed up for fall 2010 classes... it always feels so... serious, so life or death, if I do not sign up as quickly as possible on my day. Today was worse than normal - our power was out during my registration time. I was certain I would never get any class I wanted or needed.
But I did, and now I am signed up, with an extra space in the spring before graduation for a fun class, or I suppose, space for an internship or independent study...

btw, Kerala paratha is bread. It is delicious bread, the type you can live off of. Not bread and butter, even apple butter.
Kerala Paratha is... I think, because this is how other bread is made... Indian flour, or probably any flour actually, and water and ground yeast and sunshine that causes it to rise and then it is rolled into and ball, pounded out/rolled out, flipped into layers and such and then put on a griddle thing for like 30 seconds and it comes out perfect and beautiful and delicious, and not like a pancake, although that is kinda what it sounds like.